
  • “Designing future APIs based on Isology”: The Study of References, Standards and Standardization.
    September 15, 2021. This virtual presentation to IEEE Santa Clara Section expands on the previous SIIT lecture (Sept. 8, 2021) by discussing how APIs may be designed for adaptability.
  • “30 Minute Keynote Presentation at SIIT2021”
    September 8, 2021, online Keynote presentation. Based upon an article published in the 50th Anniversary issue of Bridge (publication of the US National Academy of Engineering), this lecture describes the six successions of standardization and identifies the importance of the sixth: Adaptability.
  • “One Lecture at University of Colorado, Boulder”
    Visiting TCP (Technology, Cyber Security and Policy) Scholar, November 14, 2019.  “Isology: The Science of References, Standards and Standardization” was presented to Professor David Reed’s “Principles of Internet Policy,” CYBR 5400-003 and -003B.
  • “Three Lectures at University of Colorado, Boulder”
    Visiting ITP (Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program) Scholar, November 7-9, 2016.  The presentations included four parts: 1) The Business of Standards; 2) Adaptable Standards Support Open Systems; 3) Changes in Policy; and 4) Adaptable Systems.
  • “Standardization: an Excellent Career Path for Senior Engineers,”
    Globecom 2014 Industry Program Austin, TX, December 10, 2014.
    Ken Krechmer (Organizer)
    Donggeun Choi, PhD, Korea Standards Association
    Periklis Chatzimisios, PhD, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki
    Alexander D. Gelman, PhD, IEEE
    Karen Pieper, Tabula