Papers on Isology Applications

Ken Krechmer’s papers are divided into Measurement and Isology studies. Isology studies are subdivided into Applications and Theory. Each group of studies is listed chronologically. Click where indicated to read further.

Isology Applications Papers

The Role of Technical Standards in Enabling the Future“, an invited paper, was published February 2021 in the 50th anniversary issue of The Bridge, a US journal of the National Academy of Engineering.
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The following link provides the PDF version: The Role of Technical Standards in Enabling the Future.
The history of civilization from hunter-gatherer, agrarian, city states, manufacturing, information age, to the internet age may be identified by the successions of technical references/standards that are developed—symbols, measurements, designs, similarity, compatibility, and adaptability. Each new succession results in a paradigm change, enabling increased value creation: bartering, counting and measuring, building, manufacturing, networks, and openness. Standards successions offer an evolutionary technology model, showing why and how market control occurs and where new value is created. By extension this evolutionary model also suggests ideas for the future.

“Standardization: A Primer” was an invited paper presented at Kaleidoscope 2014 in St. Petersburg, Russia, on June 5, 2014. The presentation slides can be found here.

“Cloud computing standardization” was submitted to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) – IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Challenge 2012. This paper received first prize, and was presented in Oslo, Norway, October 5, 2012.
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It has been published in How does electrotechnology impact economic, social and environmental development? Winning papers from the IEC-IEEE Challenge 2012, p. 15-25, Geneva, Switzerland. Copyright by the IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. It is reproduced here with permission. Further information on the IEC is available from

“Exploring Adaptable Access in Next Generation Networks” was presented at the Innovations in NGN: Future Network and Services, 2008. First ITU-T Kaleidoscope Academic Conference, Geneva, Switzerland May 13, 2008 and is published in the proceedings of that conference and IEEE Xplore.

“Teaching Standards to Engineers” was published in The International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, Vol. 5 No. 2, July- December 2007.

“The Entrepreneur and Standards” was originally submitted to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as part of the IEC Centenary Challenge 2006, organized in association with “The Economist”, and in partnership with the IEEE, the IET and VDE. This paper received the joint second prize on December 14, 2006.
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It has been published in International Standardization as a Strategic Tool: Commended Papers from the IEC Centenary Challenge 2006, p. 143-154. Geneva, Switzerland: International Electrotechnical Commission. It is copyright by the IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. It is reproduced here with their permission. Further information on the IEC and the IEC Centenary Challenge is available from

Standards Mark the Course of Economic Progress, 2005 is a revised version of Fundamental Nature of Standards: Economic Perspective, paper presented at the International J.A. Schumpeter Society Economics Conference, June 28 – July 1, 2000, Manchester, England.

Communications Standards and Patent Rights: Conflict or Coordination was presented at The Economics of the Software and Internet Industries conference in Toulouse, France, January, 2005. A previous version of this paper was a feature article published in STAR, 1998, publication of Telecommunciations Industry Association.

Face the FACS (Formal worldwide, regional and national Agencies for Communications Standardization), paper presented at the Third IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT 2003), October 22, 2003, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. In SIIT 2003 Proceedings, p. 141-148.

Cathedrals, Libraries and Bazaars, In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), ACM Press, 2002, p. 1053-1057.

Winner (First Prize) World Standards Day paper competition, 2000 “The Microsoft Anti-Trust Litigation: a Case for Standards”, with Elaine Baskin.

Fundamental Nature of Standards: Technical Perspective, article published in IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 38, #6, June, 2000, p. 70.

Market Driven Standardization: Everyone Can Win,  Runner up, British Standards Society’s Fred E. Butcher Memorial prize, July 2000. Subsequently published in Standards Engineering, Volume 52 #4, July/August 2000, p.15 – 19.

Technical Communications Standards: New Directions in Innovation, paper presented at the First IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT), September 16, 1999, Aachen, Germany.

Technical Standards: Foundations of the Future, feature article published in StandardsView, March 1996.

Winner (First Prize) World Standards Day paper competition, 1995 “Recommendations for the GIH: A Matter of Standards”